A national methodology for assessing the environmental, economic and social impacts of obstacles on rivers

November, 2023.

AKTiiVS, in cooperation with BIOR and LVĢMC, developed a methodology for assessing the environmental, economic and social impacts of obstacles on rivers in Latvia.

Only 33% of the Latvian inland waters are of good or high ecological quality, and various dams and obstacles on rivers, which negatively affect fish resources and water continuity, are one of the reasons for the deteriorated water quality and fish resources.

In order to justify the most appropriate solutions for mitigating the negative impact of obstacles, it is necessary to perform an analysis of benefits and costs, evaluating the environmental, social and economic impacts of obstacles. To develop the national methodology for such assessment, the project financed by the Latvian Fish Fund was implemented titled “Development of methodology for the assessment of environmental, social and economic impacts of river obstacles” (No. 23-00-S0ZF01-000012). The project was implemented by the Institute of Food safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIOR” in cooperation with “Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre”. The development of the methodology was carried out by AKTiiVS based on the contract with “BIOR”. Read more about the project results here.

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