Launch of the PROTECT BALTIC project

September, 2023.

The partners of the Horizon Europe PROTECT BALTIC project, including AKTiiVS, came together on September 5-7 in Helsinki for a kick-off meeting of the project.

The project “Enabling comprehensive effective and efficient protection and restoration measures for a resilient Baltic Sea ecosystem” (PROTECT BALTIC) is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme (Grant agreement number: 101112866).

AKTiiVS is among the partners of the consortium, consisting of 17 partners, for implementing the PROTECT BALTIC project. 

The project will develop and implement a Protection Optimization Framework – a holistic transboundary decision support package for identifying marine biodiversity protection and restoration targets and developing a shared approach for the spatial protection and restoration.

The project includes a dedicated work package on the assessment and valuation of the marine ecosystem services. The role of AKTiiVS is to develop further the sea region socioeconomic assessment of the ecosystem services within the integrated assessment methodology and the tool for identification, mapping, quantification and valuation of the marine ecosystem services. Read more about the project here.

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