LIFE GoodWater IP

A study on socioeconomic impact assessment of polders and their management options and guidelines for such assessment in Latvia.

The study was conducted as part of a project “Implementation of River Basin Management Plans of Latvia towards good surface water status” (LIFE GoodWater IP).

Project number: LIFE 18 IPE/LV/000014.

Funded by: European Union LIFE programme.

Project website:

Within the LIFE GOODWATER IP project, an assessment of the socioeconomic impacts of the Zvidzienas, Dziļaunes and Papes polders and their possible management options was developed, as well as guidelines for the socioeconomic impact assessment of polder areas. The assessment was conducted by AKTiiVS, based on contracts with the project’s partners the Latvian Fund for Nature and the World Fund for Nature, in the period September – December of 2022.

The aim of the assessment was, based on the socioeconomic impact assessment of polders and their possible management options, to provide data-driven assessments and proposals for polder management, taking into account objectives and requirements of water quality and nature protection. The results of the assessment will help in discussions with stakeholders and in decision-making about the necessary changes in polder management for integration of the targets and requirements of these policy areas.

The study included development of a national methodology and preparing assessments for the selected polders. The assessment covers such impacts of polders as the benefits from agricultural production in polder areas, financial costs of maintaining the polders, impact on flood risk management, water quality and nature protection. The results include also guidelines, which could be applied to the analysis of costs and benefits for such polders in Latvia in relation to territories with diverse and conflicting purposes of use (e.g. for agricultural production, flood prevention, water quality and nature protection).

The assessment was prepared in cooperation with experts from the Latvian Fund for Nature and the World Fund for Nature, as well as in consultation with sectoral institutions and experts both in individual consultations and wider expert meetings.

© Photo: K. Siltumēns. Zvidzienas polder at the confluence of the Zvidzienas channel and Asna.

The results are summarised in a report, which is available in Latvian (with a summary in English) here.

Reference: AKTiiVS (2022) Dziļaunes, Zvidzienas un Papes polderu un to iespējamo apsaimniekošanas scenāriju sociālekonomisko ietekmju novērtējums un vadlīnijas šāda novērtējuma izstrādei. LIFE GoodWater IP projekta atskaite, Rīga, 187 lpp.

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