
Scientific articles

Ahtiainen H., Lankia T., Lehtonen J., Lehtonen O., Bertram C., Meyerhoff J., Pakalniete K., Rehdanz K., Pouta E. (2022) Welfare effect of substitute sites for coastal recreation – evidence from the Baltic Sea. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, Vol.11(2022), Issue 4: 375-395,

Pakalniete K., Ahtiainen H., Aigars J., Andersone I., Armoškaite A., Hansen S.H., Strāķe S. (2021) Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Service Benefits and Welfare Impacts of Offshore Marine Protected Areas: A Study from the Baltic Sea. Sustainability, 2021, 13, 10121.

Schumacher J., Bergqvist L., van Beest F.M., Carstensen J., Gustafsson B., Hasler B., Fleming V., Nygård H., Pakalniete K., Sokolov A., Zandersen M., Schernewski G. (2020) Bridging the science-policy gap – towards better integration of decision support tools in coastal and marine policy implementation. Frontiers in Marine Sciences, Vol.7 (2020), 587500,

Armoskaite A., Puriņa I., Aigars J., Strāķe S., Pakalniete K., Frederiksen P., Schroeder L., Hansen H.S. (2020) Establishing the links between marine ecosystem components, functions and services: An ecosystem service assessment tool. Ocean and Coastal Management, Vol.193(2020), 105229,  

Bertram C., Ahtiainen H., Meyerhoff J., Pakalniete K., Pouta E., Rehdanz K. (2020) Contingent Behavior and Asymmetric Preferences for Baltic Sea Coastal Recreation. Environmental and Resource Economics, 75 (2020): 49-78,

Ahtiainen H., Liski E., Pouta E., Soini K., Bertram C., Rehdanz K., Pakalniete K., Meyerhoff J. (2019) Cultural ecosystem services provided by the Baltic Sea marine environment. AMBIO 2019, 48: 1350-1361,

Pakalniete K., Aigars J., Czajkowski M., Strake S., Zawojska E., Hanley N. (2017) Understanding the distribution of economic benefits from improving coastal and marine ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, Vol 584-585 (2017): 29-40,

Ahtiainen H., Artell J., Czajkowski M., Hasler B., Hasselström L., Huhtala A., Meyerhoff J., Smart J., Söderqvist T., Alemu M., Angeli D., Dahlbo K., Fleming-Lehtinen V., Hyytiäinen K., Karlõseva A., Khaleeva Y., Maar M., Martinsen L., Nõmmann T., Pakalniete K., Oskolokaite I., Semeniene D. (2014) Benefits of meeting nutrient reduction targets for the Baltic Sea – a contingent valuation study in the nine coastal states. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, Volume 3 (2014), Issue 3: 278-305,


HELCOM (2023) HELCOM Thematic assessment of economic and social analyses 2016-2021. Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings No. 188. Available here.

HELCOM BLUES (2023) Socio-economic assessment of the Baltic Sea marine ecosystem services for assessing well-being impacts of marine protection and management policies. Report of the HELCOM BLUES project. Available here.

AKTiiVS (2022) Assessment of socio-economic impacts of the Zvidzienas, Dziļaunes and Papes polders and their possible management options and guidelines for such assessment. A report of LIFE GOODWATER IP project (No LIFE 18 IPE/LV/000014). Available (in Latvian, with English summary) here.

AKTiiVS (2022) A series of reports from the study “Developing knowledge and information base on the economic and social analysis of water use and achieving environmental targets of the Latvian marine waters” under the national research project funded by the EU EMFF “Improving knowledge in relation to state of the marine environment” (No 17-00-F06803-000001). Summary of the final report available (in Latvian) here. Thematic reports with detailed results available (in Latvian) here.

HELCOM ACTION (2021) Cost effectiveness of proposed new measures for the Baltic Sea Action Plan 2021. Available here.

HELCOM ACTION (2021) Sufficiency of existing measures to achieve good status in the Baltic Sea (Summary report). Available here.

LVĢMC (2021) Papildu pasākumu ekonomiskā analīze un noteikšana “riska” ūdensobjektiem.  Supplementary document to the national WFD River Basin Management Plans for 2022-2027. Available (in Latvian) here.

Pakalniete K., Krūmiņa A., Simo M. (2020) Economic analysis to support setting effective measures for reaching environmental targets of water bodies. A Technical Report of the project „Water bodies without borders” (EstLat 66). Available here.

AKTiiVS (2018) Jūras vides stāvokļa novērtējums (2018): Ekonomiskā un sociālā analīze. National report on the Economic and Social Analysis of the Initial Assessment for the MSFD (prepared as part of a project “Improving knowledge in relation to state of the marine environment” (No 17-00-F06803-000001)). Available (in Latvian) here.

Ahtiainen H., Holma M., Mentzer J., Nommann T., Oinonen S., Pakalniete K., Tuhkanen H., Vretborn M. (2018) Developing the ecosystem service approach in the ESA framework. Report of HELCOM SPICE project, Task 3.1.3. Available here.

Ahtiainen H., Holma M., Mentzer J., Nommann T., Oinonen S., Pakalniete K., Tuhkanen H., Vretborn M. (2018) Recommendations on regional economic and social analyses for European marine areas. Report of HELCOM SPICE project, Task 3.1.4. Available here

Ahtiainen H., Holma M., Pakalniete K., Nommann T., Tuhkanen H., Oinonen S., Vretborn M. (2018) Development of a regional “business-as-usual” scenario (BAU) to be used as a baseline in the integrated assessment of the marine environment. Report of HELCOM SPICE project, WP3.2. Aavailable here

AKTiiVS (2016) Sociālekonomiskais novērtējums papildus pasākumiem laba jūras vides stāvokļa panākšanai (Socioeconomic evaluation of new measures for achieving good environmental status in the marine waters). Final report of the project financed by the “Latvian Environment Protection Fund”. Available (in Latvian) here.

Veidemane K. and Pakalniete K. (2015) Socio-economic assessment of indicator-based marine biodiversity monitoring programmes and methods. MARMONI Report. Baltic Environmental Forum, Riga. Available here.

LHEI, AKTiiVS (2014) Priekšizpēte pasākumu programmas izstrādei laba jūras vides stāvokļa panākšanai (Feasibility study for development of program of measures for achieving good status of the marine environment). Final report of the service contract for the Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development of Latvia. Available (in Latvian) here

Pakalniete K. (2013) Harmonising the Economic and Social Analysis for the MSFD Program of measures in the project’s countries. Recommendations’ report. AKTiiVS Ltd. Riga. Report of the GES-REG project. Available here.

Pakalniete K., Muraško A., Strake S., Aigars J. (2013) Valuing benefits of reaching the MSFD targets by applying the Choice Experiment method. AKTiiVS Ltd. Riga. Latvian study report of the GES-REG project. Available here.

Pakalniete K., Muraško A. (2013) Database-tool on “baseline policies” for the MSFD Program of measures. Output of the project of the Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme 2007-2013 “Good environmental status through regional coordination and capacity building” (GES-REG). AKTiiVS Ltd. Riga. Available here.

Pakalniete K., Muraško A. (2013) Harmonising the ‘business-as-usual scenario’ development for the MSFD: A study on the ‘baseline policies’. AKTiiVS Ltd. Riga. Study Report of the GES-REG project. Available here.  

Pakalniete K., Fedorovica K. (2013) Economic evaluation of supplementary measures for the WFD programs of measures in Latvia. AKTiiVS Ltd. Riga. Latvian study Report of the Project “Towards joint management of the trans-boundary Gauja/Koiva river basin district”. Available here

Pakalniete K., Fedorovica K. (2013) “Baseline scenario” development for the WFD river basin management planning (with focus on agriculture and forestry). AKTiiVS Ltd. Riga. Latvian study Report of the Project “Towards joint management of the trans-boundary Gauja/Koiva river basin district”. Available here.

Pakalniete K., Muraško A. (2012) Metodoloģiju izstrāde, ekonomisko novērtējumu un ziņojuma sagatavošana par sociālekonomiskās analīzes jautājumiem Latvijas nacionālajam ziņojumam „Jūras novērtējums”: JŪRAS ŪDEŅU IZMANTOŠANAS EKONOMISKĀ UN SOCIĀLĀ ANALĪZE. AKTiiVS Ltd. Riga. Technical report for the Latvian national “Initial Assessment” (2011) on the economic and social analysis of marine waters’ use according to the MSFD. Available (in Latvian) here.

Pakalniete K., Muraško A. (2012) Metodoloģiju izstrāde, ekonomisko novērtējumu un ziņojuma sagatavošana par sociālekonomiskās analīzes jautājumiem Latvijas nacionālajam ziņojumam „Jūras novērtējums”: SLODŽU IESPĒJAMĀS ATTĪSTĪBAS TENDENČU ANALĪZE („BĀZES SCENĀRIJA” IZSTRĀDE). AKTiiVS Ltd. Riga. Technical report for the Latvian national “Initial Assessment” (2011) on the “baseline scenario” development according to the MSFD. Available (in Latvian) here.

Pakalniete K. (2012) Metodoloģiju izstrāde, ekonomisko novērtējumu un ziņojuma sagatavošana par sociālekonomiskās analīzes jautājumiem Latvijas nacionālajam ziņojumam „Jūras novērtējums”: JŪRAS VIDES DEGRADĀCIJAS RADĪTO ZAUDĒJUMU ANALĪZE. AKTiiVS Ltd. Riga. Technical report for the Latvian national “Initial Assessment” (2011) on the costs of degradation analysis according to the MSFD. Available (in Latvian) here.

Pakalniete K. (2011) Izmaksu un ieguvumu analīze jūras izmantošanas interešu līdzsvarošanai jūras telpiskajai plānošanai (Analysis of costs and benefits for balancing interests of the sea use for the Maritime Spatial Planning). AKTiiVS Ltd. Riga. Report of the project of the Baltic Sea Region Program “BalticSeaPlan – Development of Maritime spatial planning in the Baltic Sea”.  Available (in Latvian) here.

Pakalniete K. (2009) AJT izveidošanas un dabas aizsardzības pasākumu ieviešanas sociālekonomisko ietekmju izvērtējums (Assessment of socioeconomic impacts from designating MPA and implementing nature conservation measures). Report of a LIFE-Nature project “Marine Protected Areas in the Eastern Baltic Sea” (LIFE05NAT/LV/000100). Available (in Latvian) here.

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